Progress in a New Era: Digital Biomarkers as Endpoints in Parkinson’s Disease

Clinical ink advances a new age of discovery in Parkinson’s research.

The title page of the Clinical ink study “Digital Biomarkers as Endpoints in Parkinson’s Disease” with another page from the study below.
Download our white paper to learn more.

Parkinson’s research is evolving, with a dramatic increase in patient involvement, advanced systems of measurement, and real-world data gathering at the forefront. Subjective assessments and endpoints can now be augmented with richer data sources gathered directly via wearables, sensors, and mobile technology.

Clinical ink is advancing a new age of clinical discovery in Parkinson’s research, deploying our data collection technology to sensitively and remotely assess, engage, and gather continuous data directly from patients for Parkinson’s clinical trials. These novel, rich data sources, coupled with our internal expertise in established assessments, are leading to groundbreaking digital biomarker advancement and allowing for a true convergence of data, technology, and patient science.

To learn more, download our white paper, “Digital Biomarkers as Endpoints in Parkinson’s Disease.”

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