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Clinical ink Illustrates How to Unlock Sensor and Wearable-Generated Data

Chief Innovation Officer to Lead eClinical Forum Technology Showcase on Tying Active and Passive Data

Horsham, Pa.; August 9, 2022 — Clinical ink, a global life science technology company, will be leading the eClincial Forum (eCF) Technology Showcase on Wednesday, September 7 at 10 am ET. Chief Innovation Officer Joan Severson will present on the topic “Tying Passive Data Collection to Active Mobile Measurements.” Severson was asked to present on the topic for a second time, after resounding engagement among eCF members during the June 2022 eClinical Forum Hybrid Workshop

The showcase will reveal how Clinical ink’s patient-centric, sensor and wearable-generated, clinically-relevant measurement provides better context for data interpretation. It will also highlight Clinical ink’s advanced technology team’s work in voice data collection and processing, multimodal signal processing, and feature engineering to develop digital biomarkers. 

“We now have access to hardware and sensors capable of extremely sophisticated measurement for the purpose of clinical research,” says Severson. “With the right technological, clinical, and scientific expertise, these can be tapped to transform how clinical research is conducted and how therapies are proven.”

The eCF Technology Showcase solicits speakers via eCF members request, and gives solution providers an opportunity to provide live demonstrations of their products and services.

About Clinical ink  Clinical ink is the global life science company that brings data, technology, and patient science together. Our deep therapeutic-area expertise, coupled with Direct Data Capture, eCOA, eConsent, telehealth, neurocognitive testing, and digital biomarkers advancements, drive the industry standard for data precision and usher in a new generation of clinical trials. By harnessing digital data, we power sponsors, CROs, researchers, and patients to recenter decentralized trials and rewrite the clinical development experience.  

About eClinical Forum    The eClinical Forum was started in 2000 – a global group run by its members for its members. Independence, openness and public dissemination have been hallmarks of our success. Members from the pharmaceutical, healthcare, regulatory, academic and support sectors participate in open discussion, networking and exchange that provides the practical information, approach and learning experiences required to drive innovation and to maximise the success of eClinical initiatives. 

The group operates in Europe, the Americas and Asia. Membership includes over 50 companies. 

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